Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The List

Here are a few ideas that I have for the list of things that everyone needs to do in a lifetime.... simple things

1. eat smores
5. go to a concert
6. take a class in something that you are completly in love with (for me it is my ceramics classes)

I will be adding to the list as they come up. The ones that are in ALL CAPS are the ones that I have yet to do. I will work one the list more this week and start thinking about a camping trip :)

Got any ideas? Please let me know!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Spaces #1

My Jewelry Space

Things that remind me of my favorite things and places

My sister made this for me before I went to college.... it is one of my most cherished possessions

My Jewelry Window and Artwork from friends

The never ending pile of "to-do"

Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Little Fire, A Little Smores, A Lot of Fun

Last night Adam got the great idea to make smores. When I told him that I had never had a smore, he laughed at me as usual and told me to make a list of all the things that I have not done, simple things. Who knew that with just a little fire in a grill and a few ingredients you could have such a great time. Well, I got to thinking today. I think I will make that list and try to get everything on it completed. Give me a few days and I will have a list. I am going to go on a journey to find the small things that everyone should experience.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Time Together

Even though I am missing my little girl like crazy, these times are my chance to catch up on everything that I have neglected while life sort of takes over when you have a little one. I have gotten a ton of schoolwork finished, pots thrown, and the house is a lot neater. These times are also when I realize that Adam and I don't get to spend the time that we need together. We have went to pottery festivals, enjoyed the trees on campus, watched a movie just about every night in each other's arms, caught up on what each other is working on in school, and most importantly just been a couple. We were just throw into the wind, into our lives as a family. I feel like we grow so close in these weeks and these weeks help us be better parents to Addison. My family unit is the most important thing on this earth to me. Even though it always hurts to let Addison go for a week, I always come to the realization that we all need this time. It helps our family stay close.

Missing My Little Ladybug

This week Addison has been staying in Raliegh with Adam's Parents. Oh how I miss my little ladybug. Addison... I love you!

Monday, November 5, 2007

I Just Have to Share These

Happy Halloween

Wood Kiln

Thomas and Megan's Beautiful Wedding

My Sweetie Pie

Western North Carolina in the Fall

Working hard to make tiles with lino cuts pressed into them :)

Addison Got two Birthday Parties this year :)

Visiting Artists

This month we have had three extraordinary artist come to Western. Norm Schulman, John Jessiman, and Don Reitz all can to do work shops. It was so inspiring to see them work and to hear them talk about thier lives and how they got to where they are today. Good food, Good People, and Bluegrass.... what a great time.

Brooke and Eli's Wedding Weekend

This particular weekend was amazing. There was so much fun to be had. The highlights were Brooke's wedding and going to go see the house Adam's father had just completed.

Since I gave birth to Addison I have felt like sort of a fuddy-dud (if that is actually a word). Going to the wedding was a step in the right direction to bringing out the true me. Danceing the night away with Adam and laughing at how energetic and flirty Addison already is was just what I needed.

Joe (Adam's father) helps manage the building of some amazing houses in Raleigh. They go for a couple million dollars, so when one is finished it is always a fun trip to go out and walk through them. The picture of all of us in the shower was taken in one of the smallest showers in the house! Too much for my tastes, and budget, but what a fun day!