Friday, November 9, 2007

Time Together

Even though I am missing my little girl like crazy, these times are my chance to catch up on everything that I have neglected while life sort of takes over when you have a little one. I have gotten a ton of schoolwork finished, pots thrown, and the house is a lot neater. These times are also when I realize that Adam and I don't get to spend the time that we need together. We have went to pottery festivals, enjoyed the trees on campus, watched a movie just about every night in each other's arms, caught up on what each other is working on in school, and most importantly just been a couple. We were just throw into the wind, into our lives as a family. I feel like we grow so close in these weeks and these weeks help us be better parents to Addison. My family unit is the most important thing on this earth to me. Even though it always hurts to let Addison go for a week, I always come to the realization that we all need this time. It helps our family stay close.

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